Thursday, 22 April 2010

Journey to the Podium

Marc Burden’s practice is primarily concerned with investigating the fleeting moments when our outward façade is dropped and we are briefly vulnerable to the gaze of the world.

Sport is one of the arenas in life when this outward mask is most in evidence, a shield of impregnability and focus to those around, his pieces attempt to pierce this in the moments of the athletes sacrifice and physical exhaustion.

Intervals 3 and 9 High Definition Video – duration 1 min 10 seconds

Intervals employs super slow motion video to consider not only the fleeting moment of the photograph but intrinsically to investigate the point of the athlete’s physical limit, the point in which the body cannot go on, the point from which the body recovers and becomes stronger.

What the project was about:
Essex County Council commissioned eight artists to ‘Adopt an Athlete’ and create an artwork that marks their Journey to the Podium or at least to the 2012 Games.

Video edited by Alex Harding
Supported by Crab Creative

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