Wednesday 25 February 2009

Sony unveils World's biggest zoetrope for new TV Ad

Bouncy ball, exploding paint and one massive red bunny, some off the jaw dropping Ads to come from Sony in the last few years, and here's the next one... The worlds biggest zoetrope.

Check the video out here

Lichtfaktor’s Lightprinter

This is the first test of the new “lightprinter” made for Lichtfaktor.

Created it using the Arduino Board (, there are 40 LEDs which can be controlled with a software called Processing (

Cool work.


Foam-infused Impress DIS.PLAY encourages touching

DIS.PLAY. Worth a look but I think the 3D modeling is the only really exciting thing about it.

Quake Live has 113,000 visitors in first 6hrs

According to their Twitter Quake Live have had 113,000 visitors in it's first 6hrs, I'm sure it'll be in its millions soon.

Geek out at lunch and have a play.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Geotags for iPhone is a good start

Geotags is a free map-based application for the iPhone. Its purpose is to keep a geographic diary of sorts, letting you mark maps with tagged information you'll want to explore again.

You can geotag your car so you can find it again, or a favorite hunting location, or a cave. I tested the app by recording some favorite spots in a nearby state park that were good photographic locations.

It's a bit like Places in iPhoto, but it is portable. You can add photos to geotags, or an audio clip (2 minutes max recording time for each clip) that describes it, and of course some written notes.

Once you have built up a database of tags, it can all be exported to Google Earth for sharing with friends, or just to use yourself.

Thanks to TUAW for the above!

£1000 for a watch... Ouch!

LG's latest watch.' Cool, touchscreen, but pricey, and only on Orange, boo!

Monday 23 February 2009

Multi-Touch Air Hockey

How does Panasonic sell it's £50,000 150" Plasma TV? By making it into a multi-touch air hockey game. I think we need one for the studio.

Friday 20 February 2009

Sea of Thought

Sea of Thought is a tool we've developed that searches blogs, twitter and various other sources for the words 'I think'. View by user defined searches, by date or simply live thoughts in four different views.

'Sea Scape' submerges you in an ocean of thought. Dive, swim and explore the depths within. 'Globe View' shows the world’s thoughts mapped onto a 3D globe. 'Map View' shows thoughts on a 2D map. 'Time Tunnel' allows the user to travel through time and find out who was thinking what, and when!

It was originally released to our clients as a xmas play thing, but is now in the public domain for all to enjoy!

Crab Creative Knowledge Base

This month we, Crab Creative, have launched our Knowledge Base. It’s a Nerd-to-English dictionary, a jargon busting summary of all things digital and design, that will stand you in good stead whenever the conversation turns techy…

Click here to take a look into the lexicon of the digital world. You can even download this
invaluable app to your computer

Online Photoshop!

Not made by Adobe but a very handy tool for anyone on the move or for anyone who doesn't have £600 to shell for the real deal. Is online the way all apps are going to go?

Check it out here

Fantastic work from Keith Loutit

Making the real world look like a model.